cod lack ops new zombie map
Popeye206Mar 28, 10:39 AMHummm.... if they wait until the fall, then people like me who got their iPhone on day 1 may be eligible for an early upgrade. Could be a stroke of genius by Apple again.
Use new OS things to carry us through the summer and give us new hardware goodies in the fall with volumes ramped up to handle demand as opposed to cutting it so close like they have in the past.
I don't think Apple is stupid... so I expect they have a plan that will make us all happy by the end of the year. Besides... iPhone 4 and iPad 2 are both very competitive products and a new iOS will keep them fresh for a while more while the hardware is sorted out.
I think this could be a good thing more than a bad.
lack ops ascension map
GregANov 28, 03:16 PMOf course this so called tablet could be several different things � a true video iPod, a supered up remote, a UMCP based micro mac. I just find it fun to speculate based on the info at hand:)
Absolutely. :)
That was why I asked... you were speculating on a full Mac, but in a tablet form. In contrast to a new (and cheaper) device in tablet form (which might appeal to me).
Apple has the mind share and technology to create any new products which fit somewhere between iPods and Macs. The iTV is an excellent example. Will they release some form of Tablet? I think a MacTablet will experience similar popularity to existing tablets. As such, I think a Tablet-Pod (or iTablet or iPad or something) is more likely from Apple and opens more possibilities... I'm not confident they'll release anything SOON though :)
shows ascension from the
Mac Fly (film)Nov 22, 09:28 AMHEY! who's he calling a "PC guy"??! :mad:
Exactly, Mac guys are though. Actually nobody is walking anywhere, very bad analogy. Apple isn't going to walk in, they're are going to use their thought processes, thier leadership, thier skills, thier talents, thier expirence, and their knowhow, to proove there's a reason why Apple makes things better then the other, and they will once again be proven right, I hope.
and zombie map Ascension
extraextraJul 21, 03:02 PMNow all the MBP's need are new enclosures, and I'm sold!
MB's aren't going to get Merom so soon because they've only been out for a little while (as opposed to the MBP's) and I think there needs to be a bigger differentiation between the MB's and MBP's.
Black Ops Ascension Zombies
mcrainApr 15, 01:43 PMI hate to pull this card, but my livelihood depends on trading and investing. I'm a small time player, so I can't afford to make mistakes. I have over 95% of my money "in the game" at any time. I can tell you that based on my experience, most of what you described simply isn't true. I don't know how else to say it. If I tried to respond point by point, it would take all day to explain all the concepts clearly.
Which "game"? Are you "trading and investing" in companies by purchasing shares in IPOs, or are you "trading and investing" on Wall St.? If it is the latter, then basically you are buying and selling ownership interests in companies, which has almost no affect on underlying companies.
Won't higher capital gains reduce your "take home" earned from trading in the secondary market? If so, don't hedge funds and the like start investing in more risk taking?
Higher taxes does not spur innovation. If anything, it would spur more risk taking because hedge fund and the like would have to make up for that difference in revenue.
What do you think is/was the riskier investment? Investing in GE or investing in a start-up like Google? Innovation? I'm fairly certain buying 100 shares of GE from my broker didn't innovate a new lightbulb, but Google has innovated and expanded with the capital it received in its IPO. If you are trying to increase your rate of return over what you get from your GE shares, would you invest in AT&T or a little start-up called Chef John Smith, Inc. because you think he's an up and coming talent? One has a big upside, but also a lot of risk.
If the goal is to increase rate of return of an investment portfolio, your only choices are to be better at picking good stocks, or to invest in risker investments. Wouldn't that lead to an influx of start-up capital, innovation, hiring, and economic growth?
On the other hand, you can lower capital gains and encourage people to invest conservatively in the secondary market.
and Ascension Zombie map
GanymedeSep 15, 06:26 PMI have a MBP now, but would consider upgrading if they offered some nice redesign goodies. I love the MB's magnetic latch, but i love the MBP's keyboard (especially the backlight, though when I bought it I thought I'd disable that feature). The design elements that Apple (in my opinion) has to include are the easily swappable HDD and RAM like in the MB. The feature that i would love to see, but probably won't, is and eSATA port instead of FW800. I guess now i just wait and see....
new Black Ops zombie map,
JosiasAug 5, 01:42 PMI'd kill for this!!! I hate osx msn messenger :(!
True, and if you wanna use your iSight for other than PhotoBooth, and have videochat over MSN, you will need something even worse called aMSN, found it in a MR guide...:p
Can Adium do videchat to MSN? (with audio! There's no audio on the videochat's in aMSN:mad: :p )
cod lackops zombies map
lilo777Apr 18, 04:11 PMPerhaps you need to actually look at an iPhone 3GS and a Galaxy Tab sometime.
Also consider these designs:,1425,i=90858,00.jpg
lack ops first strike dlc
JapeDec 27, 12:05 AMHey well my girlfriend just got me a kit for Christmas, and it works great. I've be on a trip with a total drive time of 18 to 20
hours, and I haven't had a problem, and it actually improves my iPhone 3g function since it doesn't have to use the native gps chip. So I think it is a good product. Good luck with BLT!!!
Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies
YS2003Nov 22, 08:59 PMFrom The Desk Of Steve Jobs:
That's an old graffiti. With new one, you have to do two strokes for "K." I miss the first graffiti.
zombies mode in Black Ops.
shelterpawAug 7, 08:15 PMApple's $400 price for 500GB HDs is Absurd. Fry's $99 for 400GB Maxtor SATA/300 on Memorial Day is more reasonable wouldn't you say?
It is quite a hight price, but when looking into hard drives keep in mind how loud they are. Apple tends to choose quiet drives and Maxtor tends to make really loud drives. Would be a shame to buy such a lovely machine only to put a bunch of loud and whinig drives in it. is a good place to go to see which drives are the best.
Seagate tends to do a good job of keeping the noise down.
For call map over Posted upmar
NuviMay 6, 03:40 AMAnd let's not forget one thing: Apple moved from 680x0 to PPC and PPC to Intel because each time, the new CPU series offered a major improvement from the previous one. Today, Intel is the biggest innovator across the board in high-end CPUs - for desktop, server and laptops. There is no one on the horizon who can meet or beat Intel.
My thoughts exactly. Even more so, when Apple left PPC they had huge problems getting faster processors from IBM. PowerBook G5 anyone? Windows based Intel systems were crushing Mac's like crazy and Apple couldn't do anything about it. Hence, the switch to Intel. Now we have zero problems so why switch to something that makes no sense.
Call of Duty: Black Ops
pmzMay 4, 03:14 PMAs long as you can burn a DVD or USB key from it, it should be a good way of distribution. It seem a bit reckless, however, not to have a offline backup around. Sometimes even Time Machine screws up.
The entire idea of restoring from a Time Machine backup has always been illogical to me.
If Time Machine backs up everything, then it backs up whatever problems you had that resulted in your need for restore.
Time Machine has limited real use, and its basically limited to accidentally deleting things.
The Call of Duty Black Ops map
ChickenSwartzAug 11, 09:20 AMIt would be cool for them to keep the yonah in the low-end MacBook. That way with the price drop they could get back to a $999 entry-level notebook.
Merom definitely in the Black Macbook though, if this is true.
Great News! Still hoping for a case redesign in the MBP for mine. :)
Ascension, the only zombie map
skyline r34Apr 21, 11:17 PMi think the Mac Pro is going to remain the same just with upgraded CPU, GPU and thunder bolt but the Mac Pro server will have redesign case but who know until it comes out
and Black+ops+ascension
TonskoDec 14, 10:56 AMYou're lucky to have the luxury of time. If I'm there, I'm there for 3-4 days on very tight schedule, usually as part of a small team. My recommendations go in the report which then gets passed on.
I agree with you if I had the time, and it was just me there, I'd be perhaps more forward with advising stuff like that. But I'm afraid I simply don't usually have the time, as the testing schedules simply do not allow for that.
zombies map, Ascension.
SteveW928Mar 26, 11:51 PMI think the fall iPad 3 rumors are just bunk. I suppose by then there might be some processor bumps available and such, but I'm really doubting we'll see an update for a year. The whole 'Retina' display buzz for the iPad is just silly IMO. The biggest thing would be IF (and a big if) Apple were to make some kind of new material for the body to lighten things up even more... but again, I don't see that as such a big deal. Better cameras? I suppose that could be a reason for a new model... but why in the fall? Sorry, that rumor just doesn't make sense.
Drops tomorrow for zombies map
SandynJoshApr 7, 03:51 PMI'd rather have Apple ( or ANY company for that matter ) compete rather than having it throttle its competition.
Do you really want Apple to have no competition? Oh, I wouldn't be surprised if this starts affecting a lot of Apple's competitors, for a prolonged period of time - various countries would start to look at Apple regarding its competition laws.
Apple didn't buy up the production to throttle the competition. They had the balls to bet on the iPad being a run-away winner. Think about it. Months into marketing a brand new product category, Apple acted to secure future capacity at levels no one else anticipated. Had Apple been wrong, it would have hurt them terribly. As it is now, Apple is barely meeting sales demand levels.
Apple's competitors want a piece of the market but don't have the confidence in their product to put their money down in advance. RIM had their chance to buy production ahead, they didn't.
and the new Zombie Map is
UnspeakedAug 11, 03:35 PMSo what is there to expect before MWSF?
I think THAT'S when we might get the Core 2 Duo in the MacBook and Mac Mini.
Until then, it'll just be speed bumps of the existing chips.
And before then, we'll see the MacBook Pros and iMacs move to the Core 2 Duo.
ChickenSwartzAug 3, 10:11 AMUm, surely you're not that silly.
He was giving a "SteveQuote" similar to the one from WWDC '05 along the lines of "Oh by the way if you look up here you'll see this whole presentation is running on Intel processors."
I was confused as well.
Funny, I like.
-aggie-May 3, 05:18 PMmethinks we need someone with some perspective in charge here, so before the crazy wizard gets us all killed for his king's secret quests, whatever they are, I propose we follow the wisdom of my brother Jorah
I deem thyself dead forthwith.
This is going to be very, very interesting. Especially since apparently I'm married to Eldiablojoe. Now I understand why he killed me in the last game.
He has quite the appropriate name then.
rtharperSep 10, 11:01 PMThis leaves iPods (, a Movie Store ( and the possibility of a new streaming Media device ( for the Tuesday event.
It also leaves the MBP. If it is not updated, I will likely be driven into a mad frenzy where I buy some other brand of laptop. Honestly, the things Apple is forcing me to do...
3N16MAApr 26, 03:44 PMI love that argument - who told Apple to only make 1 phone? Nobody it was their decision. This is PC vs Mac all over again - history repeating itself.
I can't wait to see how Steve Jobs spins this somehow at WWDC - my guess is he'll throw iPod Touches and iPads into their numbers so it doesn't look as horrible as the Nielsen chart shows.
At the end of the day, the truth hurts - Android is the new defacto platform for mobile and that means developers, developers, developers.
Next up...tablets :D
You do realize that Apple takes in healthy profit from selling Mac's right? They do not need 90% market share to turn a massive profit. They would love it but don't need it.
kingsmuseApr 6, 05:53 PMTo each his one, yes; but exactly what does Android offer as a platform than iOS doesn't--and I don't mean multiple download sources. What "... more or different things..." are you doing on Android that can't be done on iOS?
-Sync wirelessly (No more messing with that iTunes syncing madness)
-SD Card (Expandable storage)
-File manager (Operates more like a PC)
-Can actually attach files in the stock E-Mail app (IPad cannot)
-Photo file management in stock photo app (Not possible in iPad without iTunes syncing madness)
-USB Port (This is HUGE)
-HDMI (Also pretty huge)
-Decent cameras
-UI looks very cool.
Haven`t held a Xoom yet so just working from posted specs..
But I do have an iPad 1. Quite a disappointing experience for a power user.
The games rock though!!
Posted by
9:53 PM
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Black Ops Ascension Zombie Map