WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2007
maxp1Aug 7, 03:28 PMI thought the Woodcrest processors were unsuited for multi-processor configurations. Anyone with more info?
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007
KnightWRXApr 23, 06:39 PMI don't know where you get your statement than the "iPhone had a higher resolution than macs"
Resolution is a function of both pixel count and screen size. While there were less pixels on the iPhone screen, it had "higher resolution" in the form of higher DPI ;)
However, the person you are replying to is still wrong. The math behind the "retina" display (as explained here (http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/2010/06/10/resolving-the-iphone-resolution/)) is that indeed, 300 PPI is the magic number at the viewing distance you usually hold a phone away from your eye in order for pixels to not be distinguishable.
As such, the older 320x480 iPhones did indeed have quite visible pixels (and yes, I can see the pixels on my 3GS just fine).
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007
StyxMakerApr 20, 02:06 PMWirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)
What are you people doing to scratch your phones so much? I don't use a case with my iPhone 4, carry it in my pocket (sometimes with my car keys) and there's not a noticeable scratch on the front or back.
Scratching isn't the issue, it's the shattering that happens when the phone is impacted. I watched an iPhone shatter on a drop of less than 3 feet onto a padded (industrial carpet) floor. I've had friends iPhones shatter from sliding off a table accidentally, being dropped when getting out of a car, and even one who had it with him at a concert and it shattered from the 100+ degree heat.
This wouldn't be an issue if they'd simply recessed the glass into the bezel on the front and used something sensible on the back.
There's a very good reason why nothing that needs to be durable is made out of glass.
The complaint I was responding to was about scratches. Another poster claimed the glass would scratch if a hair was dropped on it. As for falling, so far mines only fallen once from my workbench onto a hardwood floor. It survived without shattering or getting scratched.
PS2 WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2007 - Cheat codes, cheats, hints, tips and videos
Roy HobbsAug 2, 01:38 PMIf you 'can't have cameras' dont use them. It doesnt matter if they are built in. And for people with dual monitors they will have... er... oh yeh two cameras :D
It does matter if they are built in or not......many government facilities adn the like will not allow ANY cameras in the building regardless if you are using them or not. More and more companies are implementing policies like this.
whip smackdown vs low prices
dethmaShineApr 7, 10:18 AMIf Apple was found to be abusing its position... yes. But this is NOT my point, my point was 'countries start to investigate Apple due to a shortage of components due to Apple buying up the available stock for a prolonged period of time'.
But they are not! :p
wwe smackdown vs raw 2007
MattstkcMar 30, 09:06 AMWirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2 like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C134 Safari/6533.18.5)
The web player cannot be played on iOS devices? Really? Is it Flash-based?
Geez, this seems like the Mac vs PC wars all over again. But, I can't blame Amazon for not making a native iOS app. I wouldn't want to blindly give Apple 30% of my profits either.
Apple would block it because it gives preference to Amazon's MP3 store over iTunes. No point in even trying. Just wait, MobileMe revamp will make all of us happy.
SactoGuy18Apr 17, 09:24 PMok, so maybe it could work with a high enough exemption, although I think $44,000 is a little too low.
While I think US$44,000 in earned income exempted for a family of four is probably about right, some have suggested probably something in the range of US$47,000 to US$50,000 to better compensate for inflation. The advantage such a generous exemption before the flat rate kicks in is that lower-income families could now better afford the bare necessities of life, since they're not going to have as much as 20-plus percent of their income taken away by the income tax.
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007
troop231Mar 29, 01:50 PMgynecologist?? :D
You rang? :p
Review of: WWE Smackdown Vs
Mister SnitchApr 5, 02:47 PMHey, Toyota HAD to pull the plug. Rumor has it that Apple was going to counter with a 'hijack a Toyota' campaign!
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007
burningbrightMay 6, 06:21 AMI didn't think ARM's stocks would be so volatile.
"ARM tumbles ahead of Intel 'breakthrough'", May 4 2011 (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/mediatechnologyandtelecoms/electronics/8493555/ARM-tumbles-ahead-of-Intel-breakthrough.html)
WWE Smackdown! vs RAW 2007
mduser63Nov 26, 10:32 AMIf I could just have a Mac tablet that I could type and write notes on for class, I'd be in heaven :)
Yeah, I think a tablet would be useful for taking notes in class, and would consider buying one if Apple released one. I've seen other students taking notes on Tablet PCs in class and it seems like it works well. However, I'm not sure that there's a huge market outside of students and some other narrow markets. Of course Apple has entered markets where others have been less than extremely successful and done well before, so who knows.
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007
mscrivMay 5, 11:51 AMi just want to make sure what the rules are, because it makes a significant difference in terms of keeping track of what might or might not be out there.
for example, by my count, in one round you could deploy one goblin (one turn to get a point, one to deploy), by yours, you deploy two (point and deploy each turn).
also, can you heal and deploy trap/monsters at the same turn, from the Lair?
can you accrue points while moving/healing?
it's the beginning of brand new game, so it's normal the rules are seen in different ways and need some fine tuning in how they are worded.
You insolent fool! How thick is that blockhead of yours! ;)
Out of character again:
Understood and I agree about knowing the rules. From your questions above I still think you are a little confused. Don't think of a turn as consisting of earning a point. Think of the round as starting with the addition of 2 points. Then I must decide what to do with those points and I can take two turn/actions (opportunities to spend points) in that round.
can you heal and deploy trap/monsters at the same turn from the Lair?
Not in the same turn, but in the same round. One turn/action to heal costing me one point and then a second turn/action to deploy a monster based on my accrued point total. So just like you guys, I get one round consisting of two turns/actions.
can you accrue points while moving/healing?
As stated above I accrue 2 points for use at the beginning of each round. If I chose to move in that round it would cost me 1 point/turn of the two I have available to me in the round. If I also chose to heal in that round it would cost me 1 point/turn and I would have exhausted my two turns/actions in that round. However, by the rules the villain can only heal when he is in the Lair with the artifact, so I couldn't actually move away and still be able to heal myself.
I think the easiest way to think of it is each round the villain gets two turns/actions. These turns/actions cost the villain points to execute. The villain earns 2 points at the beginning of each round to add to his point total available for spending during that round. The only way to carry over points from round to round is to not take action with points available and thus they will be added to point total available for the next round.
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007
nastebuMar 29, 04:17 PMWho is joking here?
A better battery is highly improbable. However if you only look at the dark side of an event you pass up any chance of benefitting from it. Certainly it isn't good to have your nukes melt down but this is also a learning opportunity. That is if people can look at what is happening objectively. If all you see is people getting irradiated then you aren't looking at the bigger picture.
I assume the "maybe the radiation will produce higher density batteries" comment was meant as a joke.
As for the rest of what you said, no doubt.
GameSpy: WWE SmackDown vs. Raw
XeniousSep 11, 10:05 AMIf they add the "album only" feature to *All* Radiohead's songs, more bands will follow. Mostly for marketing reasons. There are lots of those crappy "Radiohead wannabes - ohhhhhh our songs should not be outside their album":mad:
Now, I can't wait for tomorrow's event!
If we get more album only things, you might as well buy the CD instead. Nothing upsets me more than an entire album on itunes which is album only.
WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2007
finkmacunixApr 23, 05:23 PMAm I the only one who loves looking at high res high quality icons? I feel a bit sad over here. :p
So do I� *Hypnotized By giant App Store icon*
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2007
bloodycapeApr 18, 04:31 PMI hope what comes out of this is Samsung is forced to use standard android interface(which is alright), which would lead to faster software updates on a phone with pretty competitive hardware.
Isn't Samsung making the cpus to iphone and ipad? If this turns sour could this mean, maybe Apple will go with upcoming Tegra 3 cpu(which has rumors of a quad core version), or TI with their nice hardware?
Smackdown! vs RAW 2007!
deconstruct60Apr 21, 10:26 PMReducing the Mac Pro's size is a huge step backwards!.....
The only thing that will increase is HEAT! That will lead to reliability problems as more stress will be put on internal components with the increase in HEAT!
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007
teerexx52Aug 11, 06:52 PMI dont dont like the size and feel of the keys compared to my m8s MBP 15" and my normal apple keyboard with my iMac which both feel great so im hoping they dont change that, im not dissing the MB but i just prefer the pro's feel at the moment and dont want that to change (espesially the lighted keys :D). yeah im gna go for the gloss i think.
I agree the pro has a nice feel to it. I am really torn with the idea of selling my MacBook and getting a glossy base Pro but it would be a step down in some regards. I put a 100gb 7200 HD in this MacBook as well as 2gb ram. Base Pro has an 80GB 5400. I like the glossy and saw a Pro with it and really loved it. Just can't make up my mind so I sit tight. Of couse there are the rumors of processor upgrades next month too
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007
GregANov 27, 03:44 PMNo point in what? I am stating my OWN ideas.Yes, but you're stating your OWN ideas while telling others their ideas are stupid. If you can't see how even after re-reading, then ..... c'est la vie I guess.
baleensavageApr 26, 02:50 PMThis is hardly surprising considering only Apple manufactures iOS phones and new Android phones are coming out each week. What's clear from this data is RIM and the others are quickly on their way out and many of those people are buying Android phones. But I do agree with others that Apple needs to start upping their game to compete. They should start with a low-end phone that has a smaller non-retina display and a few less other features that could get iOS devices into the hands of those that won't buy an expensive smartphone.
WestacularApr 23, 04:45 PMWow, that App Store icon devoured my whole screen (MBP 13)
Yeah. It's surreal. The icons of tomorrow are the desktop wallpapers of today.
kavika411Apr 15, 07:59 PMIt seemed like a cogent point to me. Your perspective will change if you do any number of things. Bet on horse races for a living and you'll never look at a horse in the same way that other people do.
Earlier itcheroni said ...
Now I don't mean to be cruel, but he isn't making anything, creating anything or contributing anything to society through this livelihood. He's merely siphoning off the flow. And he wants to talk about perspective? It seems to me that making a living that way is guaranteed to give you a warped perspective.
It's a perspective I'm glad I don't share.
Sometimes, with answers, more says less.
You seemed to have missed it. So, I'll re-ask. My question - asked to-the-point because of your histrionics-laden rhetorical question, was this:
Where on earth did itcheroni suggest there.is.nothing.more.important.in.his.brief.life.than.gaining.wealth?
LightSpeed1Apr 20, 06:37 AMI'll take it!
Scooterman1May 7, 04:16 PMThis would be a good incentive for staying with Apple.
Posted by
10:02 PM
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Wwe Smackdown Vs Raw 2007 Cheats