MultimediaAug 26, 11:47 PMIt's not that I know anything - it's just that it's so bloody obvious that nothing in Apple's current lineup is even remotely suitable for a home theater PC....
However, a Conroe in a DVD-player sized case, with 2 or 3 500GB or 750GB drives, a couple of TV tuners (SD and HD), FrontRow on steroids - then you'd have something.
Take a peek at what available in Windows for the Home Theatre space - like:
Conroes with quad TV tuners, RAID, touch-screen controls....Holy Molly! That look fantastic! How much money are they?
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applefanDrewMay 2, 09:02 PMI like it, but right now there's 3 ways to install apps: App Store, download from internet and drag to applications folder, installer wizard (like MS Office). Also, the difference between the applications folder and LaunchPad will be confusing for most users. This whole thing needs to be unified. Either get rid of the Applications folder or get rid of LaunchPad.
Afaik, there is no apps folder on the dock by default in lion. Launchpad has taken it's place.
Original Wayfarer
EvangelionJul 20, 11:36 AMI have used Linux before, admit that I gave up with linux with Suse 9. The point I was trying to make with the package manager is that its not easy to go out and find something, every time you either have to find a package for your specific distribution or have it "built" for your distro. If you look at the way the mac works now I can drag the aduim icon to a remote drive, and from almost any machine that meets the basic specs I can then double click that app, even if its on a network drive, it will run, can you say the same for Linux?
Yes I can. Like I said, I just fire up the package-manager, find the app in question and click "Install". That really is all there is to it. No need to browse the web, looking for installers to download.
By unification I meant giving a constant user experience with singal points of administration, management ect. Some of my previous sessions with linux the applications did not always fully adhere to guidelines that were set out by KDE, whatever theme i choose, it didnt adapt to it for example.
Things are different these days. You are basing your judgement on SUSE9, which was released three years ago. During that three years, Linux has made HUGE progress. Things are chaning for the better, and they are changing FAST. I would say that Linux has changed more during the last three years than it did during the five years before 2003.
Note: that is NOT a bad thing for Apple. I bet that Apple would much rather co-exists with Linux than with Windows. There could never be a monopoly Linux could exploit to harm competitors, Microsoft could do that, and they have done it. Linux is open and follows established standards, Microsoft does not, if they can get away with it. Linux has no interest in destroying competitors, Microsoft does.
I fully admit im not a linux guru, and that things very likely have changed, but my perception is that every distro comes with a boat load of software on the DVD or via download, if you want to get something thats not listed it becomes a bit more difficult.
Well, SUSE does ship with tons of apps on the DVD (mainly so that it could be used wby people without broadband). But if you look at Ubuntu for example, it ships with relatively few apps. In a way, they have selected "best of breed"-apps for their distro. But if the user wants to have some additional piece of software, he can just fire up the package-manager, where he can choose from 16.000 pieces of software. The app the user is looking for is most likely listed there. If he's installing a piece of commercial software, they usually ship with nice installers that are not one bit harder to use than the ones in OS X or Windows.
There is the issue of building your own kernel
You have no need to do that. Seriously. I haven't built my own kernels in years. And when I did, it was because I wanted to do it, not because I had to do it.
Just because you CAN compile your own kernel does not mean that you are required to do so. The possibility is there for power-users.
The mac advantage is that its a bit easier to get, install and run applications than windows, and IMO linux as well.
I disagree. In Linux all the apps I could even want were just few mouse-clicks away. On OS X (and on Windows) I have to hunt for those apps in internet, only to find out that I'm expected to pay for them. I had none of those problems in Linux.
why is there a few big distros out there after years of linux development, why are there so many niche ones, and why do linux users argue with others over their favorite distro?
There are several distros, because one distro can't do it all. Want an OS that can be tweaked and customized to your exact needs and for your specific hardware? Obviously Ubuntu is not ideal then, but Gentoo is. Want a distro that "just works"? Ubuntu would be a good choice then. Want a distro with rock-solid reliablity? Try Debian. Want to run Red Hat servers, but don't want to pay for support? Use CentOS.
All those distros exist because there are users who find them to be better for their needs than the other distros are. And there's nothing wrong with that, since one size does not fit all. No-one could tell the users that "from now on, there will be just one distro". And even if someone could say that, the users who were unhappy with the "one true distro" could start their own distro if they wanted to.
Why do users argue which distro is best? For the same reason why Mac-users tell Linux and Windows-users that OS X is the best? For the same reason why BMW-drivers tell others that BMW is better than Merc is? People like to rationalise their choice of OS.
Diversity and flexability is one of the strenghts of Linux, its users know that, and having a single distro that does everything will counter that strength, they also know that.
They know that there can't be one distro that "does everything". Ubuntu wants to be easy to use OS that just works. Gentoo wnts to be as customizable, flexible and powerful as possible. It would be very, very hard for single OS to offer both of those ideoogies in one package. It would en up being "jack of all trades, master of none".
Take Mandrake (Mandiva these days) and Red Hat for example. Years ago Red Hat decided to use GNOME as their default desktop. There were bunch of Red Hat users who liked the distro, but liked KDE more than GNOME. So they took Red Hat, replaced GNOME with KDE and voila: Mandrake was born. From that point te two started to diverge. as independted OS'es.
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fun173Feb 8, 07:43 PM..........its my favorite color!
Gorgeous, love the color :)
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newagemacMay 3, 09:02 AMBut my iPhone is far more limited than my first Windows PC in that regard. Even with Windows 95 I could go from one app to another while letting the other on load in the background. iOS freezes everything. If I want a video to upload on Facebook, I have no choice but to keep the app open until it's done. On my PC, I can start the upload and then move on to other things while the process is completing.
I find moving to non-true multitasking as a step backward, not a step forward. As you said, out systems capabilites are able to do so much more. I can be playing a computer game, hit the Windows key, and open a media player and never see a drop in performance. Why limit your computer to one task at a time? Kind of defeats the point of multi-core processors.
Uh, this comment is entirely wrong. With iOS, you can download something and move to another app and it will continue downloading in the background. The multitasking APIs have all the obvious backgrounding tasks covered and will likely include more if needed. Basically the goal is to allow background tasks when needed and when not needed let the app suspend and release resources to the apps you actually need. This method in iOS has proven to work far better than traditional operating systems like Mac OS X and Windows. That's why they are bringing it "Back to the Mac OS". The best parts of what they developed in iOS are being added in Lion.
I think most people's problem is that they mistakenly viewed iOS as inferior in every way to Mac OS X but in many ways it is cutting edge and far better than OS X and Windows have ever been. The way iOS multitasking works is the reason very powerful and memory hungry apps like iMove and GarageBand for iPad work so surprisingly well on such a limited memory device. The apps get to use a much larger percentage of the CPU, GPU, and RAM than they do on traditional OSes under normal usage where you have multiple apps open.
Right now I have a bunch of tabs open in Safari on my Mac and it's consuming a little over 1GB of RAM and lots of CPU. If I switch to Photoshop, Safari is still going to be using up all that RAM and CPU I really need for Photoshop when I don't plan on using Safari again until later today. And I don't want to shut it down because I have a bunch things in these tabs that I want to get back to later today including partially typed forum replies, halfway read articles, etc. On the iPad, Safari would suspend and release the RAM and CPU to my currently used RAM/CPU hungry app. That's what they need to bring to Lion.
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SurelyNov 27, 07:05 PMHaven't started Christmas shopping yet (unlike Surely) so I haven't got any good karma, but nevertheless picked up a new pair of jeans for myself. D'oh. :(
I haven't started yet either...... just taking advantage of this weekend's sales. :D
Also, I just bought this office chair from Office Depot:
It's ACA approved, so my back also approves.
I found a 20% off coupon online, so yay.
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cmustinNov 25, 11:32 AMOr, you can check the image url, see that it's an image from Amazon, search Amazon for "messenger bag", and it will be the first search result.
True, but it's a lot of fun to occasionally leave the house! :D
Manufacturer: Ray Ban
andrew.gwApr 1, 06:15 PM
Mail now shows "No Message Selected", which is much nicer than the empty white area from the last version; "Mail Activity" looks nicer as well. I've also noticed that the "Noteworthy" font from iOS 4.3 is present in this version of Lion.
Ray Ban Original Wayfarer -
EarendilNov 27, 02:52 PMIt kills me that the least expensive Apple display is $700. I just can't justify the tax over a Dell display, and I'm amazed how others can. A Dell 2007WFP (their 20" widescreen display which uses the same panel that's found in Apple's 20") is $400. It also sports inputs for VGA, composite and S-Video. And for a Dell, the display is reasonably attractive.
The Apple displays give you a shiny aluminum bezel, firewire routing, and software display controls. Is that enough to merit a 75% markup?
So, I'm thrilled if this is true and Apple is putting out a less-expensive display option. But I'd love it if they brought the rest of their lineup into check with the competition.
It is in check with the competition...
Perhaps you don't know who Apple's competition is?
Maybe Apple should bring it's laptop line down to the $300 cheapo Dell level while we're at it :rolleyes:
toddybodyApr 19, 11:11 AM6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950!
For heavens sake give it a nice GPU!!!!!!!!:eek:
Ray Ban Original Wayfarer
spencersNov 26, 07:11 PMI just bought a mazda 3 to on Monday, I love it, its fun to drive to.
To where?
Item Name: Ray Ban Wayfarer
GregADec 29, 04:02 AMWhy doesn't Apple just team up with Nintendo and release an iTV/iTunes channel for the Wii?
The Wii already has internal WiFi built in capable of streaming. What's is a channel for the Wii? I don't know much about the setup.
Does the Wii do everything the iTV is supposed to do? I had thought the Wii was a pure games machine (unlike PS3/XBox360), and thus would be good in partnership with an iTV... but I really haven't looked into it and sounds like I may be wrong.
MultimediaOct 23, 10:28 PMFWI Dell Just Lowered The List Of All Their Monitors � 30" $1279 24" $679 Right Now ( We paid $1349 last week in a sale and now it's been trumped. New 30" list is only $1599 and 24" list is $799.
2007FP 20" 1600x1200 is now only $359.20 ( This is amazing.
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danielwsmitheeNov 29, 03:33 PMIts outputs are HDMI and component video. It is designed for HD content.The Question is will it do 1080p & 720p or just 480p?
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andrewbecksMay 2, 08:40 PMWirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)
As I'm sure others have noted, this jus seems less efficient than CMD-delete. I suppose more options are good, and I get this is a transition towards a more pervasive touch interface, but for computers with physical keyboards, this leaves me cold.
I always wanted a CMD-delete action for Dashboard; this seems like a step back.
Agreed. I prefer Command + Delete, but I suppose it's nice to have options. Personally, I'm not much of a fan of the launchpad for OS X idea, but I'm sure it appeals to some people.
Your Genuine Ray Ban Wayfarer
MulyahntoJul 19, 03:55 PMI think iPod and Mac sales volume was towards the high end of the range of analysts' predictions. iPod and Mac sales volume is a more important indicator than revenue, I think.
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minnesotamacmanSep 1, 03:29 PM
I had to quickly get the drool off of the keyboard before I could type... But hotdiggetydog if the 23" looked like this I would have an order in as soon as the store was back online...
Here is to hoping!
of the Ray-Ban Wayfarers
HunabkuApr 13, 01:50 AM+1 here. Every time I've tried to use iMovie for a "quick" edit it always ends in disasters like this. In my case, I was trying to move some music around and time my edits with the music. It was really infuriating trying to do this in iMovie compared to how fast I could have done it in FCP. I guess we'll have wait till Apple posts more info or we get it in our hands to really tell if it can be run like the current FCP.
Yes i agree we have to get our hands on it to know. Which in a way negates everything you said previously. Just because the UI borrows some of the visuals from imovie does not mean that running the program and editing will be like iMovie.
This is typical of people -apple releases something radically new in a given category and everyone proclaims the sky is falling and the product is a flop. Only after time we discover that there was deep thought given to the users' experience and the end result is booming sales.
Randy has definined the vanguard of video editing software - from writing/architecting Premiere, Final Cut, iMovie and now Final Cut X. He knows how to make software for video pros so please reserve judgment until using it and respect the depth of experience here.
PS i really think that apple is powerfully positioning themselves by selling final cut so cheap. Now you can justify paying more for a Mac box because the software is so much less than the competition. Brilliant if you ask me - make software cheap, sell more macs and cost kick your competition out of the market.
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hogoSep 15, 06:18 AMsame here
me three
JesterJJZJul 13, 11:48 PMthere are what, about four movies on BluRay? how much do each cost? If there are barely any players, what's the point of blank media? BTW, don't tell me about storage. if you want storage, get a portable 30 GB HD.I'm not saying I don't think BluRay won't be really cool. it'll just be more reasonable come MWSF time.
I think there are about 20-30 titles available for both BluRay and HDDVD, though I know I only saw a small selection at Best Buy. They were all priced around $24.99. Perfectly reasonsable and comparable to how the launch of standard DVDs went, though I think those had a higher launch price. I rememver movies debuting at $30 bucks. Players started around $700 i think.
treblahAug 6, 09:36 PMBlah, it should read "Mac OS X Leopard, introducing Panter 2.0"
Let me steer this off topic real quick. I have read before that Apple has two OS teams so "in theory" Leopard would, in fact, be Panther 2.0 and 10.7 would be Tiger 2.0. Again, in theory… Can someone clear that up?
On topic: Hooray Leopard!
MCP-511Apr 21, 12:21 PMOnly ones upset over such news is Johny what's his face who hangs out at the local booby bar, when his wife thinks he's somewhere else. :eek:
SlixMar 26, 02:49 PMThis looks pretty amazing.
TangoCharlieAug 29, 10:31 AMIs Conroe pin-compatible with the iMac, though? I didn't think it was...and I definitely think that Apple should try to get a Conroe chip in that computer (or else release a mid-sized tower).
The Merom chip is pin compatible with the current iMac CPU, and I believe Apple will release an updated iMac using Merom. Intel is marketting both Merom and Conroe as Core 2 Duo, which is confusing...
The Mac mini will, it seems, get the Core Duo as standard. This is as I predicted a while back. The Mac mini, _will_ eventually get a Core 2 Duo, but not yet.... Apple will want to get the Mac Book Pro and the iMac updated first.
The update to the Mac mini line is more of a Marketting thing.... it allows Apple to boast that it's the only big manufacturer to use dual-core exclusively across the whole line-up.
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