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PlutoniusMay 6, 06:00 PMWhy not have everyone leave this dead end?
Everyone will but we can get back to the starting room quicker using "Don't Panic's" plan of having you in a separate group.
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mdntcallrAug 11, 11:01 AMI would be happier if they announced the new model asap. and shipped asap. i need a new laptop now.
but... honestly, Apple needs to differentiate between macbook and macbook pro lines. so i bet the macbook update will merely be and update in speed to the higher speed versions of the chips they already have.
why? i just don't think Intel will be churning out the new merom chips fast enough to put them in all the Macbooks. and the mini's.
Also, isnt the Imac supposed to get the other version of the new Intel chip? you know... Core 2 Duo desktop (Conroe). cause They just came with a nice 64 bit chip. my bet is this chip will show up somewhere also. and it will be in the Imac and maybe even macmini.
Apple is probably going to spread out the chips they use, cause they won't be getting tons of each one in too much volume. and the desktop versions will offer better performance for the desktop models. ie imac and possibly the macmini.
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sam10685Jul 30, 01:31 AMI think it's real. No signs of photoshopping and the pic was taken in an elevator :D
massive sign's of photoshopping. the light on the phone doesn't match.
Planner Job Description
arkitectMar 28, 10:11 AMSure you will. :rolleyes:
No need for the rolling eyes there… Some of us already have.
Apple is not the end all be all. Sometimes change is good. ;)
Bad move to keep the iPhone out for 2 years.
I agree.
There is no way Apple can take a break from this cycle.
What is that saying about he who rides the tiger?
the job description and
LagunaSolApr 18, 04:37 PMHow many other ways are there to design a simple tablet/touch screen phone before they start looking the same?
Oh come on, we aren't really going to resort to the "there's only one way to design a mobile device" argument, are we? You're telling me the only way to design the Galaxy Tab was to make it look identical to the iPhone 3GS?
My iPhone 4 doesn't look anything like my wife's iPhone 3GS, so apparently there are at least two ways to design a mobile phone.
None of the other Android phones or tablets I've seen look like iPhones either. Only Samsung's.
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Give it a rest!!!!
Ahh! I share your sentiments completely. Developer's tools at the developers conference. Simple isn't it?
The next comsumer show is Paris in September. That's where we're likely to see the ipods and other goodies.
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EldiablojoeMay 3, 09:34 PMif a villain needs to go through a room where he placed a trap, can he temporarily disable it?
Traps and monsters don't harm the villain.
You guys responded to Ravenvii saying that Traps and monsters don't harm the villain, but in the OP, in the Q&A's, you wrote:
- can the villain/monster fall into the traps?
Villain (a stupid one): yes, Monsters: No (since they don't move).
Was that just being funny, or is it a conflicting rule?
Job Description: SASP
EidorianMar 30, 11:05 PMThe lack of color in the system icons is god awful. Color graphics are much more easily identified than a scaled down grey icon.Grey is the new grey at Apple it seems. The stark minimalism is starting to become an issue.
The job description can be
notabadnameApr 26, 02:47 PMApple isn't forced to allow iOS only on their own devices.
Besides, Apple is doing the same thing with OS X, it's made for Macs only, and people have always been comparing their sales against Windows.
Seems to me you're just bitter about it.
No bitterness. Simply a background in statistics and their relevance. This one is not relevant. Apple is not a software company really. It is a hardware company that creates software for its hardware. It has never tried to offer it's software as an install option on other hardware, and in-fact has challenged installation of it's software on PC's. You can either be intelligent enough to recognize and compare runners in the same race or you can't. Apple is not in the race to install its OS on any hardware other than its own. It is pretty naive to benchmark a "runner" in a race in which it is not running. If you would measure your personal performance against people not competing against you, would say that is a valid measure? I am a pilot, and to say I am a better pilot than my neighbor (not a pilot) would be a pretty empty and laughable bragging point for me to make.
We don't hear much argument on here about how many more phones Apple sells than Google, because Google does not sell a phone (anymore). So why is it anymore valid to compare how many installs of the iOS there are across global hardware as compared to Android, when Apple provides its iOS to ZERO hardware manufacturers, and Android provides it to all takers. Again, to benchmark the "winner" of a competition, both runners need to be in the race.
Job Description
ctachmeSep 15, 04:24 PMSounds good. Hope it happens for those waiting for it.
I also hope the design is revamped i.e. magnetic latch etc.
Maybe an ACD update to boot?
Yeah, i'd be sad if they just dropped a new processor in there. I'd want a new video card at the very least, and maybe DL burners in the 15" would be nice.
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Mac Fly (film)Nov 22, 09:28 AMHEY! who's he calling a "PC guy"??! :mad:
Exactly, Mac guys are though. Actually nobody is walking anywhere, very bad analogy. Apple isn't going to walk in, they're are going to use their thought processes, thier leadership, thier skills, thier talents, thier expirence, and their knowhow, to proove there's a reason why Apple makes things better then the other, and they will once again be proven right, I hope.
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KnightWRXApr 20, 06:21 AMiPhone 4S
iPhone 3GS = 3rd iPhone
iPhone 4S = 5th iPhone.
Anyone still debating a "processor upgrade" isn't much of an upgrade grossly mistakes the upgrade the 3GS was over the 3G and that the 3G was over the original.
The 3GS basically shares the same internals as an iPhone 4, aside from RAM. Comestic upgrades are not any bigger than spec upgrades. And iPhone 4S would still be the 5th iPhone and thus the "iPhone 5" monicker is appropriate.
review the job description
lilo777Apr 18, 03:47 PMWell isn't that just embarassing? lol 10 times the money and they can't find SHI*T :mad:
Annual revenues:
Apple - $65.23 billion (2010)
Samsung Electronics - $117.4 billion (2009)
job description 76 yankee do
levitynycApr 7, 10:04 AMBuild a new touch panel factory here in the USA!!!!
(oh wait, then we'd have to pay union employees not to work after 20 years with a budget crippling pension fund)
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bradcJul 30, 11:35 PMUhhhh boys,
check this:
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treblahAug 3, 12:27 AMThere is this field report on CNET. This is not info from a SLIDE. It is from a real world field test.
Video: Long-lasting Intel Core 2 Duo notebooks (
Over 5 hours of battery life with Merom vs. 3 hours with Yonah.
From New York on Airplane, Yonah PC battery died over Chicago while same size Merom PC battery made it all the way to LA. So I am RIGHT NOT WRONG. :eek:
Flying West to East means leaving SF and arriving in NYC. :rolleyes:
Please tell me I'm wrong again.
Job Description: Deputy
adbeApr 5, 02:11 PMYou talk about security, but it's not a security threat to have a jailbroken user�
Of course it's a security threat. How do you think the device got jail broken in the first place?
to the job description,
PBFMar 30, 08:39 PMCorrect. I dragged it into trash. It removed normally. I then went to the applications folder and dragged it back. All worked flawlessly.
Thank you.
Also, when you re-arrange Launchpad, create folders, move apps around, etc., does the order stay the same after restart?
Description - Coordinator
vitoApr 6, 07:18 AMWell I don't quite agree that Apple, if tasked with designing a car, couldn't add to the industry. You say a car has a computer in it but that does not mean Toyota knows how to make a good looking GUI for an OS. They tried and it looks horrible. But they didn't have to create the OS to try. Same thing for Apple in this hypothetical. I'm not talking about Apple designing brake systems etc. I'm talking about what it would be like if Apple had the chance to take control of the design elements with feedback from engineers in the field of course.
Apple brought design elements to desktops and delivered us from the tan box tower. That has been the appeal of Apple for a while now. So what would the people at Apple do if tasked with modifying car design? A better job that toyota did with iOS I''m sure.
Yup, if Apple we're to rise to the challenge I don't see why they couldn't come up with something "different". Toyota work on volume, where as BMW and Audi probably focus more on "design".
Wonder what Clarkson from Top Gear would make of an Apple iCar :D
amolsAug 4, 12:32 PMA chip update has NOTHING to do with any outstanding issues, sorry...Apple is fully capable of fixing those (if any) with a better design AND a better chip.
SactoGuy18Mar 30, 07:16 AMI think a major concern for Apple right now is the possibility they may have NO products to sell by July 2011 for many of their product lines due to the lack of parts coming from Japan. I wouldn't be surprised that Apple may have to aim for a November 2011 simultaneous launch of the iPhone 5, 5G iPod touch and 7G iPod nano so they can assure themselves of supplies of the right parts from manufacturers in South Korea and China for Foxconn.
ChristianJapanMay 4, 05:13 PMWirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)
+1 For henry72's proposal via firmware:
Had the same thought... Get a hot key into the firmware to connect to the official App Store with network settings flexible (eg IP setting; Router etc). Then all the setup can be done from the net.
For power user and enterprises I could imagine to be able to support an own App Store within your network to avoid re-downloading. Similar to the enterprise AppStore for iOS.
Super DaveJul 30, 05:26 AMApple owns (ownership info) ( It just mirrors their homepage, but has a different IP. It appears they've owned it for a while. Is this old news?
Ancient. At least 3 years, maybe more.
David :cool:
bushidoMar 29, 01:47 PMHighly debatable. More than likely working conditions would be far superior to what they are in China or Japan, and everyone knows happy employees are good employees.
and with our working hours and attitude we'll have 5 finished iPods by the end of the day instead of 493840384038403840 :P
Posted by
6:21 PM
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Coordinator Job Description